Friday, October 25, 2013

 THE SPOOKYNESS CONTINUES... Another game for Pc/Mac, again a Pewdie and steam thing. You can't fight, you can't run. Or blink. Eyup, Scp Containment Breach.

You are unwillingly picked to help transport an SCP(Secure. Control. Protect). Two other people are chosen to help transport SCP-173, "The Sculpture" 

It's constructed of rebar and concrete, with a spray painted face. It's VERY hostile and will kill the player by strangling or snapping their neck, BUT if under a direct line of sight, it is unable to move. (YOU LOOK AT IT, IT CAN'T KILL YOU...until you blink or look away.) During transport, the door malfunctions and the light flickers. It kills the other 2 people, then attacks the armored security guard, then it disappears... now you need to progress through the facility with THIS thing chasing you...HAVE FUN. There is more SCP's within the facility, some you can skip, but others...Well, look.

"Zombie Plague"
It's just a gas that infects the player and slowly turns them into a zombie, not that scary in my opinion.

"A Bad Composition"
A composition that causes the player to walk up to it, slit their wrist and finish the composition in their own blood. Still not scary in my opinion....

"Plague Doctor"
Chases the player and turns them into SCP-049-2(Which can be considered a zombie)

What SCP-049 turns people into, a "Zombie".


"Old AI" An Artificial Intelligence(DURR) the inhabiting a microcomputer. It causes doors to randomly open and close. It's face can show on monitors throughout the game.

SCP- 096
"Shy Guy" (THIS AIN'T NO MARIO) A human-ish creature that chases the player down and kills the player when they see it's face. Once it chases the player, it screams, even through the loading screen once it kills you...NEH Dx
SCP- 106
"The Old man." It can walk through solid matter to chase down the player. Once it catches the player, it sends them into the 'Pocket Dimension', where it has total control over.
SCP- 294 (Should've mentioned that SCP's can be machines and can be helpful to the player :D)
"The Coffee Machine" Soo...yeah, it may look like an ordinary coffee maker, but it's not...well it can be, but it's really not. Whatever you type on the keyboard (In-game, magma, liquid gold, ect.) and it will give you a cup of what you typed.
SCP- 372
"Peripheral Jumper"
It follows the player and pops up the corner of the player's peripheral vision. It doesn't attack, it's just to scare the player.
SCP- 500
"Panacea" A red pill that heals the player, including SCP- 008 infection and symptoms from SCP- 1025.
SCP- 513
"The Cowbell" A rusted cowbell that spawns SCP-513-1 when rung. (SCP-513-1 is simular to SCP-372, just for scares, doesn't attack)
SCP- 682
(Note: I don't think it has a in-game model, but here's a close picture)
"Hard-To-Destroy Reptille"
A large reptillian creature that attacks a helicopter.
SCP- 714
"The Jaded Ring" It protects the player from various injuries, but cuts the player's stamina, thus getting no sprint at all.
SCP- 895
"Camera Distruption"
A large coffin that will interfere with electrionical devices, including the security camera nearby. If you stare at the monitor that displays the coffin too long, you will die.
There is a few more SCPs, but I'm tired, hungry, sleepy and I neeeeeeed foooooooood! SO BAI BAI!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Halloween is coming! Let's talk horror! Horror games can be plain terrifying while running away from deformed...things...horror can be hiding from something while hearing its uneven breathing and footsteps getting closer....horror can simply be a creepy doll that moved when you weren't in the room, FUN AIN'T IT?! SO, I'll talk about few scary enemies, maybe a stage, and a very popular horror game has a new sequel! And another horror game has shown to be a very successful with scares. Both of these games are for Pc/Mac, so you might have heard of them. If you play Pc/Mac, if you use Steam, if you watch Pewdiepie, you might already know this game.... Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent had some of the best scares, where in-game, you couldn't fight, you run and hide from the monsters, or 'Gatherers' as there correctly called. While trying to find out where you are and what's going on, you awake in a run-down castle...with amnesia(Well DURR). As you stand in the dark, you sanity slowly drains, causing hallucinations which can cause scary ambience as a baby crying or a hurt animal. You need to find lantern oil and tinderboxes to keep sane, BUT, as the light keeps you sane, it could attract some unwanted guest.....
Ugly, isn't it? Scary. Now imagine hiding from this... Leave your best moments of fun below including Amnesia! Also leave any thoughts on this...thing!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

                                 FOR ALL STUPIDLY FUM MOMENTS OF GAMING
For failz, winz, plain moments of stupidity, and anything FUN AN' STUPID AN' DERPIN' MOEMENTZ OF HERPDERPPI'N GEWD FUM AN' A HURR DURR

                                (NOT) SMALLISH LIST OF RULES AND STUFFIES
* All games apply, as long as each is treated with respect.
* Comments and opinions, please, be respectful. As long as it's all in good fun, it's allowed.
* Any news on games, consoles, or other things can be put on here. And random excited comments are welcomed :D
* All consoles or gaming platforms are welcomed, including : Playstation(1, 2, 3, 4, and PS Vita), X-box(Original, 360, and 1), Nintendo(Ds, Wii, WiiU, 3DS, 2DS, ect.) and Pc or Mac(Steam, ect)

* Un-needed, un-called for comments, harsh opinions, will WILL BE SHUNNED! (This includes trolling!)
* Irrelevant hateful comments to anyone, anything, ALSO will be shunned.

* If there is any information that is wrong, please leave a comment nicely so it can be fixed.

                                                    And most importantly,  HAVE LOTS'A GEWD FUN AND A GEWD HURPIN' DERP'IN DAY