Tuesday, September 24, 2013

                                 FOR ALL STUPIDLY FUM MOMENTS OF GAMING
For failz, winz, plain moments of stupidity, and anything FUN AN' STUPID AN' DERPIN' MOEMENTZ OF HERPDERPPI'N GEWD FUM AN' A HURR DURR

                                (NOT) SMALLISH LIST OF RULES AND STUFFIES
* All games apply, as long as each is treated with respect.
* Comments and opinions, please, be respectful. As long as it's all in good fun, it's allowed.
* Any news on games, consoles, or other things can be put on here. And random excited comments are welcomed :D
* All consoles or gaming platforms are welcomed, including : Playstation(1, 2, 3, 4, and PS Vita), X-box(Original, 360, and 1), Nintendo(Ds, Wii, WiiU, 3DS, 2DS, ect.) and Pc or Mac(Steam, ect)

* Un-needed, un-called for comments, harsh opinions, will WILL BE SHUNNED! (This includes trolling!)
* Irrelevant hateful comments to anyone, anything, ALSO will be shunned.

* If there is any information that is wrong, please leave a comment nicely so it can be fixed.

                                                    And most importantly,  HAVE LOTS'A GEWD FUN AND A GEWD HURPIN' DERP'IN DAY